Núcleos de terras degradadas do campo calcário Aroeiras e adjacências, municípios de Coreaú e Sobral (Ceará)
Land degradation. Lithology. Plant extractivism.Abstract
The research analyzes the land degradation in the Aroeiras limestone field and surroundings, an appropriate geosystem as a territory for the production of quicklime and cement in the municipalities of Coreaú and Sobral in the northwest region of the State of Ceará. From the methodological point of view, the map of land use and coverage allowed to detect that the three land degradation cores identified are almost exclusively outside the Aroeiras field, showing a low correlation with the carbonate lithology of the Frecheirinha formation and high with the Coreaú and Trapiá formations.Degradation in the core is associated with deforestation in the Caatinga without control, while the conserved cores correspond to large areas of forest management plan and dampening the impacts of large mining.
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