The Afro-descendant Decade with a gender perspective




Gender. Development. Equality.


The gender approach is considered one of the priority premises of development; it is understood as a right and an economic-political factor that increases productivity by taking advantage of women's skills. Development is explained by poverty reduction, better access to justice and low levels of well-being inequalities. We want to explore how the gender approach is evidenced in the fulfillment of the objectives of the International Decade for Afro-descendants, and contributes to the development of Afro-descendant women. The Decade indicates carrying out actions that lead to the full exercise of rights of people of African descent to guarantee justice, recognition and development; Progress in the implementation of the Decade  regarding the development of Afro-descendant women.



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Author Biography

Shari García, Afro-descendant Institute for Study, Research and Development, San José-Costa Rica

Shari García- Posgrado Universidad de San Buenaventura- Cartagena das Indias – Colombia, Instituto Afrodescendiente para el Estudio, la Investigación y el Desarrollo – Presidente – San José-Costa Rica


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How to Cite

GARCÍA, S. . The Afro-descendant Decade with a gender perspective. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 24-32, 2020. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v4i3.6769. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.