The house as a space of resistance: Communities of care for a anti-racist feminist politics




Covid-19. Decolonial feminisms; Anti-racist politics


In the context of a pandemic, the house is transformed into the world. In the face of growing apartheidism, colonialist and racial injustices that persist, the feminist anti-racist politics that ancestrally fought from home is the source of inspiration for the current resistance. Afrotransatlantic stories shine in the "poetics of the sea." As metaphors, the idea of ​​the Caribbean labyrinth facing the Mediterranean could deactivate neocolonial artillery. The question about what experiences occurred in the collective body affected by our post-colonial era of the pandemic opens new reflections citing the stage writing of Audre Lorde: “The tools of the teacher will never dismantle the house of love”, how to build a group power of minority sororities that could tear down the house of love?


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Author Biography

Karina Bidaseca , University of Buenos Aires UBA / Buenos Aires - Argentina- CLACSO

Post-doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires UBA / Buenos Aires - Argentina, CONICET Researcher at NUSUR (South South Center of Postcolonial Studies, Performances, Afro-diasporic Identities and Feminisms), IDAES / UNSAM. Coordinates the South-South Program CLACSO) and is a member of the WG Afro-descendants and counter-hegemonic proposals of CLACSO. Argentine writer, theorist, teacher and activist


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How to Cite

BIDASECA , K. The house as a space of resistance: Communities of care for a anti-racist feminist politics. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 45-59, 2020. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v4i3.7486. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.