The house as a space of resistance: Communities of care for a anti-racist feminist politics
Covid-19. Decolonial feminisms; Anti-racist politicsAbstract
In the context of a pandemic, the house is transformed into the world. In the face of growing apartheidism, colonialist and racial injustices that persist, the feminist anti-racist politics that ancestrally fought from home is the source of inspiration for the current resistance. Afrotransatlantic stories shine in the "poetics of the sea." As metaphors, the idea of the Caribbean labyrinth facing the Mediterranean could deactivate neocolonial artillery. The question about what experiences occurred in the collective body affected by our post-colonial era of the pandemic opens new reflections citing the stage writing of Audre Lorde: “The tools of the teacher will never dismantle the house of love”, how to build a group power of minority sororities that could tear down the house of love?
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