Errata and Retraction Policy

Errata and Retraction Policy
According to the guidelines of COPE, the Council of Science Editors and Scielo, retraction is a public instrument to record problems in a published article (Partial Retraction) or communicate its cancellation (Total Retraction) and is an integral part of the scientific communication system. Erratum - refers to amendments or changes to parts of the article. Corrections can be in the title of the article, authors' names and typographical or layout errors.
Revista Geopauta will proceed according to the criteria established by COPE, the Council of Science Editors and Scielo, to analyze retraction requests arising from conflicts of interest, detection of plagiarism after publication, and errata publications. If it becomes necessary to publish a retraction, this will be done on the Journal's page and in all repositories where our articles are indexed. However, the retracted article will not be deleted from the vehicle where it was originally published.
The text of the retraction with the justification forwarded by the author and revised by the editor followed by the basic data of the article, such as: title, author, affiliation and abstract, as well as the entire new textual structure will be posted in the retraction text. For partial retraction, only the part in which the problem was identified will be deleted. In both cases, the original PDF is retained, but with the retraction text appended before the original full text and with watermark stripes that identify it as a retracted article.
The procedure for publishing an errata follows the guidance of the international databases of COPE, the Council of Science Editors and Scielo, and aims to preserve the original registration of the manuscript, informing, however, about any corrections, we understand that the publication of an errata is necessary when the article author(s) or editor, identify one or more layout errors and crucial information type (changed date) for the understanding of the text in the already published article, in these cases the procedures of the manuscript correction journal will be adopted , and the procedures of the other repositories of our articles already published based on the mentioned norms of the COPE, Council of Science Editors and Scielo committees.