Aspectos de saúde e hábitos alimentares em idosos




The study was carried out based on the concept of a quantitative approach, with the general objective: to reveal the eating habits of the elderly who participate in the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Extension in Family Health Care in Conviability with Chronic Diseases (NIEFAM), at the State University of Southwest Bahia-UESB; And as specific objectives: qualitatively verify the food consumption of elderly people assisted by NIEFAM; and identify the perception of healthy eating habits of the elderly. The sociodemographic profile variants were observed; health status of the elderly; conception about oral health; and, nutritional data of the elderly. It is concluded that the initiatives organized by NIEFAM are widely relevant, as well as it is verified that it consists of a constant and effective activity. In this perspective, this study aims to serve as an instrument in social awareness, enabling a better adherence of individuals to the ingestion of a balanced and adequate diet, reducing health risks, improving the quality of life of the elderly population.


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How to Cite

Sampaio de Carvalho, R., Miranda Sampaio, M. ., Leite Sampaio, E. ., Borges Silva, E. ., Simões Castro, B. ., & Santos Silva, A. C. . (2023). Aspectos de saúde e hábitos alimentares em idosos. Revista Extensão & Cidadania, 11(20), 24-37.