Projeto Contando Africanidades: uma reflexão sobre os saberes invisibilizados do Médio Sudoeste Baiano por meio da contação de história


  • Alderise Alves Pereira
  • Andressa Lucas Salles Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Gerson dos Santos Farias
  • Letícia Santos Azevedo



Ethnic-Racial Relations, Valuation, Extension


This report is the result of actions developed in the Contando Africanidades project, in which we promoted storytelling sessions, which featured black and indigenous characters as protagonists, with a view to deconstructing prejudices/stereotypes, treating identity relations in educational spaces and appreciation of Brazilian cultural and ethnic matrices. We aim to report the actions developed in the Contando Africanidades extension project, within the scope of university extension, in the period from 2021 to 2023. To this end, theoretically, we present a general overview of the extension project in dialogue with legislation and theoretical discussions with the literature of ethnic-racial relations, as was the case of Candau (2002b, 2005), who alerts us to the importance of entering the universe of prejudices and discrimination and promoting interaction with people different from us, contributing to the formation of our identity. As methodological procedures, we highlight the specificities of the actions developed throughout the project, from story-telling sessions to cultural and scientific events. In general, the results point to the possibility of dialogue with the subjects, about an inclusive and reflective education towards each person's narratives, taking into account their subjectivities, with the aim of dealing with ethnic-racial relations in the most different contexts. Finally, we concluded that through the sessions held there were possibilities to rescue memories, stimulating the critical spirit and awakening in-depth knowledge about identity and ancestry.



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How to Cite

Alves Pereira, A., Lucas Salles, A., dos Santos Farias, G., & Santos Azevedo, L. (2023). Projeto Contando Africanidades: uma reflexão sobre os saberes invisibilizados do Médio Sudoeste Baiano por meio da contação de história. Revista Extensão & Cidadania, 11(20), 279-291.