Gender, Early Childhood Education, Religion, Professional Socialization, Opinions DescriptiveAbstract
This article deals with the problematization of the writing of descriptive opinions of young children in relation to gender in Municipal Center of Early Childhood Education in the city of Curitiba from the relationship between teaching and religion. Survey data were collected from questionnaires, observation, interviews and analysis of opinions between August and December 2018 and aimed to verify if the religious experience of the teachers influences in decisions of writings. The analysis took place from Pierre Bourdieu and Gimeno Sacristán for the notions of socialization, habitus and teaching and studies of the gender field in education and the sociology of religion. The written opinions were divided into: actions, preferences and personalities of boys and girls. The results indicate that the notions of gender internalized by the teachers guide their writing and the binary conception of gender traditionally accepted by society was more evident in the teachers with a more institutionalized experience with religion. Finally, the view of the roles of women and men, influenced by religion, interferes with the views of how girls and boys see the institution and need to be revealed to contribute to this process of professional socialization.
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