formative dimensions, traditional Afro-Brazilian community, teaching, learningAbstract
This paper portrays the results of a research carried out along the lines of participant observation and ethnobiography with the aim of understanding the dynamics between teaching and learning and the civilizing values inherent in the daily practices of a traditional Afro-Brazilian community. The study was carried out through the observation and participation of liturgical activities of a community of Umbanda and Candomblé - the "Ilè Asè Tobi Babá Olòrigbìn" - located in Ituiutaba, MG. Teaching as a shared responsibility, the reaffirmation of ethical/civilizing principles (such as circularity, ancestry, corporality, conduct), the centrality of orality and the relationship between community life and a singularity that is based on the collective were aspects perceived as characteristics of a formative dimension that guides learning within this group. Considering that the model practiced by these communities is a successful model (which has withstood time and a history of oppression), we highlight the great challenge of learning from the teachings of Afro-Brazilian territories and finding ways to incorporate them into our educational practices, so that we can envision a more diverse and humanized school.
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