


formative dimensions, traditional Afro-Brazilian community, teaching, learning


This paper portrays the results of a research carried out along the lines of participant observation and ethnobiography with the aim of understanding the dynamics between teaching and learning and the civilizing values ​​inherent in the daily practices of a traditional Afro-Brazilian community. The study was carried out through the observation and participation of liturgical activities of a community of Umbanda and Candomblé  - the "Ilè Asè Tobi Babá Olòrigbìn" - located in Ituiutaba, MG. Teaching as a shared responsibility, the reaffirmation of ethical/civilizing principles (such as circularity, ancestry, corporality, conduct), the centrality of orality and the relationship between community life and a singularity that is based on the collective were aspects perceived as characteristics of a formative dimension that guides learning within this group. Considering that the model practiced by these communities is a successful model (which has withstood time and a history of oppression), we highlight the great challenge of learning from the teachings of Afro-Brazilian territories and finding ways to incorporate them into our educational practices, so that we can envision a more diverse and humanized school.


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Author Biographies

Mical de Melo Marcelino, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutora em Educação – Universidade de São Paulo; Docente da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.

Marana de Oliveira Pires Coelho , Escola Municipal Sebastião Serafin Juvenal de Souza, Prefeitura de São Thomé das Letras – MG

Pedagoga – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; Docente da Escola Municipal Sebastião Serafin Juvenal de Souza, Prefeitura de São Thomé das Letras – MG.


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How to Cite

de Melo Marcelino, M., & Coelho , M. de O. P. . (2023). TRAINING DIMENSIONS IN AFRO-BRAZILIAN MATRIX TERRITORIES: NOTES OF A “RESEARCHER - ABIAN”. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, (29), 105-122.

