Axiological movements and/in semiotizations of well-being memories promoted by a school in Bahia’s countryside
Dialogic Discourse Analysis, Well-being, Social interaction., MemoriesAbstract
This article aims to analyze ways of axiologizing the well-being at school in statements produced by 9th year elementary school students at a municipal school in Bahia's countryside. We are especially interested in understanding how subjects semiotize in their statements what they consider to be the most striking event in their experiences throughout the final years of elementary school and what this tells us about the values mobilized there relating to the social role and institutional structure of the school and its modalities of intersubjective coexistence. The analyzes highlights that verbally-visually materialized memories are not limited to records, which are housed in consciousness, but they are repositories of affective experiences of and in different chronotopes. The fact that the presented memories cover different interactional events offers us a critical view of the students on how they perceive and analyze the complexities of the interactions they remember and enunciate. Works, like ours, that are interested in the students’ affects locally, contributes to the school context being (re)(dis)covered, tensioning how social perceptions are semiotized in appreciative horizons of experiences.
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