The experience of living postgraduate studies in Brazil and its intersections with the burnout society
Postgraduate education, Mental health, Academic productivityAbstract
This study aimed to reflect on the context of postgraduate education in light of the arguments presented in 'The Burnout Society' by Byung-Chul Han. In the two categories of analysis developed, which related the experiences and reflections of the authors within the scope of postgraduate education to Han's premises, it was considered that various aspects inherent to this scenario contribute to causing damage to the biopsychosocial health of those involved. Examples include neuronal violence, excess positivity, and status, which converge to turn students into 'animal laborans' and configure their habitation in the territory of postgraduate education as in a burnout society, where there is no space for contemplative life. Thus, the need for reflections aiming to preserve the mental health of these individuals as a priority in teaching, research, and management planning is signaled in a transversal manner.
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