Approaches - Archeology and Psychophysiology: Freud, Nietzsche and the transpositions on good and disease in teaching life




Archeology, Physiopsychology, Teacher well-being, Nietzsche, Freud


In the light of some ideas from Freud and Nietzsche, we intend to create some transpositions that help us think about the well-being or discomfort of teachers, highlighting that these states of mind are not dissociated from our human condition, nor separated from the public policies that guide the guidelines of education and the status of the teaching profession in our country. We seek to extract some key ideas from these cultural theorists: the archeology of the city of Rome carried out by Freud in The Malaise of Civilization to reflect on what builds us as teachers. In the second moment, we discuss Nietzsche's physiopsychology because the way we look at the world and teaching will ultimately determine our well-being or discomfort. Finally, still rescuing the ideas of the German thinker in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, we will find some sources of inspiration in search of our well-being.


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Author Biography

Angela Cilento, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Graduate and Bachelor of Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1988). Master in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1995). Assistant Professor II at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (since 1995) having worked in several undergraduate courses such as pedagogy, psychology, theology, architecture, administration and foreign trade, as well as in the Lato Senso course at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the contemporary aesthetics course. I was a coordinating professor of the philosophy subproject of the Teaching Initiation Program - PIBID promoted by Capes from 2013 to 2018 and also a guiding professor of the Pedagogical Residency Project in 2018. Currently, in the philosophy course, I work in the bachelor's and licentiate's modalities, with emphasis in subjects related to the degree as well as in themes relevant to subjectivity, aesthetics, modern and contemporary philosophy. Recently, I work as coordinator of the philosophy course at P. Mackenzie University and a doctorate in the Education, Art and History of Culture Program at the same institution. Orcid - (Text provided by the author)  



ASSOUN, Paul Laurent. Nietzsche e Freud. Semelhanças e Dessemelhanças. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1991.

FREUD, Sigmund. Mal-Estar Na Civilização. São Paulo: Abril Cultural. Col. Os Pensadores, 1979.

GIACÓIA, Oswaldo. O Grande Experimento: Sobre A Oposição Entre Eticidade (Sittlichkeit) E Autonomia Em Nietzsche. Revista Transformação. São Paulo: Unesp, 1988. p. 97-132. Disponível também em:

________________. Nietzsche. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2000.

________________. Nietzsche como Psicólogo. São Leopoldo-RS: Editora Unisinos, 2004.

________________. Além do Princípio do Prazer. Um dualismo incontornável. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2008. Coleção Para Ler Freud.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Gaia Ciência. Lisboa: Guimarães Editores, 1987.

___________________. Genealogia da Moral. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1988a.

___________________. Para Além de Bem e Mal. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 1992.

___________________. Assim Falou Zaratustra. Lisboa: Guimarães Editores, 1988b.

___________________. A Vontade Dionisíaca do Mundo. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.

__________________. 2. Extemporânea. Da Utilidade e dos Inconvenientes da História para a Vida. Porto: Editorial Presença, 1976. Col. Síntese.



How to Cite

Cilento, A. (2024). Approaches - Archeology and Psychophysiology: Freud, Nietzsche and the transpositions on good and disease in teaching life. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, (31), 44-59.