Relationship between subjective well-being and anxiety: analysis of the influence of gender and age group on students
Mental Health, Psychological Assessment, Educational PracticeAbstract
Subjective well-being, which comprises affective and cognitive dimensions (satisfaction with life), has been identified as an important contributor to mental health, which is harmed by anxiety. This study evaluated the anxiety levels and well-being levels of 172 Technical Education students aged 15 to 51 years (M=19.51; SD=6.70), 68% of whom were females. In this study, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale was used in conjunction with the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale. Positive and significant correlations were found between the positive constructs (satisfaction with life and positive affects) and the negative constructs (negative affects and anxiety). Most measures were significantly influenced by the gender variable, with males presenting the highest average in the positive constructs and females in the negative constructs. Positive affects and anxiety were significantly influenced by the age group variable. The first one is lower among younger participants and the second is lower among older participants. A replication of these findings is suggested, involving different student profiles, with the objective of developing mental health maintenance strategies based on the findings.
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