Error in the initial years of elementary school: an analysis of the curriculum adopted by the municipal education network of Palotina and the Western Region of Paraná




Error. , Mathematics. , Curriculum.


Teaching is always on the agenda in theoretical discussions, especially after the 2020 pandemic, which aggravated several issues in the educational field, like difficulties in teaching and learning processes. This article deals with the importance of error in learning mathematics in the early years of elementary school, through a documentary analysis based on the 2020 Pedagogical Curriculum Proposal (PPC) of the Association of Municipalities of Western Paraná (AMOP), which is the document adopted by the municipal network of Palotina and the western region of Paraná. The aim of this work is to analyze the perception of mathematical error in the early years, and how it is understood by the curriculum adopted, analyzing the processes of learning mathematics at this stage of education, dialoguing with authors dealing with the subject. Through analysis, it is possible to conclude that error is inevitable in the process of learning mathematics, and it is necessary to include it as an aspect to be considered constructively in teaching, through a mainly qualitative approach. It is important to ask whether teachers have the training, time, materials and conditions to delve deeper into the official curriculum before teaching their classes, in order to properly include errors in their practice.


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Author Biographies

Maisa Fernanda da Cunha, UFPR

Undergraduate student in Exact Sciences - Mathematics from the Federal University of Paraná, Palotina Sector

Luciana Paula Vieira de Castro, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education. Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR Palotina Sector/PR.


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How to Cite

Cunha, M. F. da, & Castro, L. P. V. de. (2024). Error in the initial years of elementary school: an analysis of the curriculum adopted by the municipal education network of Palotina and the Western Region of Paraná. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, 18(32), 109-119.