A didactic sequence involving the Telegram app in pedagogical practice: the impacts from the perspective of meaningful learning
Teaching, Pedagogical Practice, Telegram, Didactic Sequence, Meaningful LearningAbstract
The research analyzed the possible impacts of applying a didactic sequence involving the Telegram application to pedagogical practice from the perspective of meaningful learning. This project was developed in the Professional Master's Degree in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT) in its line of research “Educational Practices in Professional and Technological Education (EPT). In this applied study with a qualitative approach, two semi-structured questionnaires were applied: one to students of the entrepreneurship discipline and the other to teachers of the Technical Course in Administration at CEDUP Guaramirim. In addition, discursive textual analysis (ATD) was chosen to analyze the data, categorizing them by content, procedures and attitudes relevant to pedagogical practice. When consolidating the data, the question was: How can the Telegram app be involved in pedagogical practice in a way that contributes to meaningful learning? In response to the inquiry, an educational product was created in the format of a didactic sequence, as an instrument that integrated prior knowledge with the pedagogical interests of students, with the challenges and teaching skills involving TDIC. The results obtained demonstrated that student participation by incorporating the Telegram app into the process of planning and applying pedagogical practice contributed to democratic, autonomous, creative and meaningful learning.
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