From the dissertation-argumentative text to self-evaluation: the process of construction of argumentation and citizenship
Self-assessment, dissertation-argumentative, citizenshipAbstract
This article presents a pedagogical practice carried out in the Supervised Curricular Internship II of the Course of Letters - Portuguese and Spanish at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) campus Cerro Largo. The internship was developed in a second year class of a public high school, lasting 16 hours. The lesson plan worked the dissertation-argumentative text through the theme "Regulation of Social Networks" based on the method of Didactic Sequence (Dolz, Noverraz, Schneuwly, 2004). This didactic tool consists of pre-reading, reading and post-reading activities, with two textual productions: the text of survey (Dolz; Noverraz; Schneuwly 2004), which aims to identify the previous knowledge of the students and the final textual production, that consists in the development of a writing in a simulated National High School Exam (ENEM). In addition, we conducted a self-assessment, in which the students could reflect critically on their teaching and learning process, identifying through a questionnaire, their difficulties and evolution throughout the classes, not only focusing on the quantitative evaluation made by the teacher. Thus, from the results presented in self-assessment and textual productions, we conclude that students demonstrated a good use of the content worked, developing critical sense, argumentation and, consequently, citizenship.
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