Discursive memory and the Law of "Clean Sheet" in STF





Discursive memory, Interpretation, Law of


This study aims to examine the relationship between two levels of analysis: the memory and the interpretation, checking to what extent the exegetical works realized by the Federal Supreme Court, in cases related to the immediate enforcement of so-called Law of "Clean Sheet" to the Elections 2010, appears as modes of construction/reconstruction of spaces of discursive memory, composed of subject-positions that have as object of discourse the administrative dishonesty and corruption in brazilian politics, on the one hand, and the foundations of Democratic State of Law, on the other. For that, we will start by analyzing trial of Joaquim Roriz, having as theoretical postulates the notion of discursive memory and the question of opacity of language, in Analysis of Discourse, to consider jurisprudential precedents as places of discursive memory. The preliminary examination of the "corpus" demonstrated that the precedents, as places of discursive memory, are also places of interpretation.


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Author Biographies

Luis Cláudio Aguiar Gonçalves, State University of Southwest of Bahia (Uesb/Brazil)

Luis Cláudio Aguiar Gonçalves holds a Master's Degree in Memory: Language and Society (2012), the State University of Southwest of Bahia (UESB) and a PhD in the Post-Graduate Program in Memory: Language and Society, from the same university. Member of the Brazilian Association of Linguistics - ABRALIN and the Laboratory of Discourse Analysis - LAPADis. He is a researcher linked to the Discourse Analysis Research Group - GPADis, registered at CNPq and authorized by UESB, with experience in the area of Linguistics, emphasis in Speech Analysis of French Line, working mainly on the following topics: discursive memory and interpretation, position -subject and effects of meaning, political discourse and legal discourse, political corruption.

Maria da Conceição Fonseca-Silva, State University of Southwest of Bahia (Uesb/Brazil)

Maria da Conceição Fonseca-Silva é Doutora em Linguística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2003), onde também realizou o curso de Mestrado em Linguística e o estágio de pós-doutoramento. Atualmente é professora Titular do Departamento de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. É docente do quadro permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística (PPGLin-Uesb) e do quadro permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória: Linguagem e Sociedade (PPGMemorials-Uesb). É bolsista de produtividade 2 do CNPq. É líder do "Grupo de Pesquisa em Análise de Discurso" (GPADis/Uesb/CNPq) e do "Grupo de Pesquisa em Estudos da Língua(gem)" (GPEL/Uesb/CNPq). Tem experiência na área de Linguística, com ênfase em Análise de Discurso, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: efeitos-sujeito e efeitos-sentido, memória discursiva, discurso político e discurso jurídico, corrupção política, mídia, sujeito mulher.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, L. C. A.; FONSECA-SILVA, M. da C. Discursive memory and the Law of "Clean Sheet" in STF. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 87-107, 2012. DOI: 10.22481/el.v10i1.1174. Disponível em: https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/estudosdalinguagem/article/view/1174. Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.

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