The role of child-directed speech in the phonological development: the vocal triangle
: Child-directed speech; Language development; Prosody; Vowels.Abstract
This study is based on the perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems (THELEN; SMITH, 1994) and aims to analyze Child-directed Speech (CDS) in the phonological development of twins and non-twins learning Brazilian Portuguese (BP) from Vitória of Conquista-BA. We investigate the acoustic aspects of the vowel triangle produced by mothers in a CDS context and in a context without children. Previous literature has showed that the vocalic triangle is diferente when mothers speak English, Swedish, Russian and Chinese to their children (KUHL et al., 1997; LIU et al., 2003). Two experiments were carried out with the mothers, one in a situation of interaction with their children and the other without the children. Regarding the acoustic properties of vowels [a], [i] and [u], considering all the values analyzed, we understand that, in fact, the acoustic properties of phonetic units in CDS speech differ considerably from speech not addressed to children. Thus, our data show that, in addition to prosody alterations, caregivers alter vocalic aspects, in other words, there are also segmental marks in CDS in BP.
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