Public policies to strengthen higher education in Mexico City: teaching experiences in the educational model of the Instituto de Estudios Superiores Rosario Castellanos
Políticas públicas, modelo educativo , hibridualidad y Ciudad de MéxicoAbstract
The goal of this paper is to expose the main aspects that allowed the creation of the Instituto de Estudios Superiores Rosario Castellanos (IESRC) based on the recent public policy promoted in education in Mexico City (CDMX) in May 2019. The article also communicates the teaching experience in an educational model that modifies didactic strategies to lead the student to graduate with a profile molded in interdisciplinarity that allows active, productive and assertive work in various social problems. In this model, the student is the axis and center. Finally, some characteristics of the educational model are shown based on the use of technologies and digital tools that today must support education within the framework of the new challenges that learning in hybrid-duality environments demands.
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