Andragogical Education in Mozambique from the perspective of phenomenological Geography
Geografia, FenomenologiaAbstract
The experience of being part of a multidisciplinary team on an expedition to Mozambique to train an operational group of a multinational company allowed all those involved to experience the practical knowledge related to the risk perception in work activities. The team adopted the andragogic educational methodology, whose pillars are need, self-concept and previous experience of the learner; readiness and motivation to learn. From the phenomenological perspective in Geography, the phenomenon was observed during the work routine of the group, seeking the comprehension of the individuals about themselves and about their relationship with the imminent risks. The adopted methodological approach allowed the development of preventive experiences in the work environment and contributed to the reduction of accidents and the increase of safety in the work environment.
Keywords: Geography; Phenomenology; Education; Andragogy.
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