Geoheritage and Geopreservation: memories, geographical and environmental perceptions about the historical environmental heritage of Guanambi - Bahia
Patrimonial and artistic education, patrimony, preservation, geographyAbstract
The cultural historical heritage of a city needs to be linked to its historical, cultural, artistic and environmental memory, it must be understood as the heritage of a people, which enables man to understand time. With a view to identifying Bahian heritage, the Sec-BA structuring project: Patrimonial and Artistic Education (EPA), developed at Colégio Estadual Governador Luiz Viana Filho, in Guanambi-BA, provided the students involved with the understanding of Geoheritage and Geopreservation of heritage that characterizes the identity of the city of Guanambi. The EPA results contributed to the construction of significant learning in the production of knowledge. The research portrayed monuments of Guanambi's heritage through essential actions: exercise of the right to culture, conservation of historical, artistic and aesthetic values, the formation of a new cultural mentality.
Key words: Patrimonial and artistic education, patrimony, preservation.
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