The afros speak! Activism and political management promoting the Decade of Afrodecesdants
Blacks women`s movement. Interseccionality. Afrodescendant.Abstract
The work proposes an approach to the action of militant organizations of afrodescendant women in Latin America in the frawork of the Decade of Afrodescendant, and their position on the outstanding debts of the states in relation to the situation of this population u¡in the countries of the region, especially women. It sets out the main demands of the political agenda of the black women´s movement in order to addressthe gaps of the inequality, poverty and the postponement of social rights, which disable this from human group for exercising full citizenship. It develops the efforts to afro militants in the generation of strategic alliances at the institutional level and with other civil organizations to promote social measures and government laws with a racial and gender perspective.
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