Popularização e prática em Ciências através da extensão universitária: relato de uma experiência


  • Alex Mota Dos Santos Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
  • Gabriella Silva D’Avila Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
  • Paula Fabyanne Marques Ferreira Colégio da Polícia Militar (CPM) Rômulo Galvão




Ensino de Ciências. Percepção ambiental. Resíduos sólidos. Ilhéus.


The popularization and practice of science can be carried out in schools through university extension. From this premise, the objective of this article is to reveal an extension experience for the popularization and practice of science through the study of the perception of residents of the city of Ilhéus about solid waste. The methodology included the analysis of data and information on solid waste in Brazil, in the state of Bahia, in the city of Ilhéus, and application of the Survey research method to assess perception. The main result is the presentation of possibilities for presenting the basic elements of science practice for secondary and high school students. Regarding the activities carried out, the perception of solid urban waste collection in the city of Ilhéus stands out. In this regard, most respondents (46.2%) are dissatisfied, but 78.3% responded that they do not notify the city hall when observing waste disposed of irregularly throughout the city.


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How to Cite

Mota Dos Santos, A., D’Avila, G. S. ., & Ferreira, P. F. M. . (2023). Popularização e prática em Ciências através da extensão universitária: relato de uma experiência. Revista Extensão & Cidadania, 11(19), 160-175. https://doi.org/10.22481/recuesb.v11i19.12383



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