


Black identity, Extension, Anti-racist education


Fruit of extension actions developed within the scope of the Black Identity in Action Extension Project, developed at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará - Campus Juazeiro do Norte (IFCE-JN), by the Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (NEABI ). This work presents the extension project “black identity in action”, specifically the actions developed with a thematic focus on black aesthetics and the learning and meanings generated among the participants. Actions such as cine-debate, gaining the name CINENEABI, conversation circles, workshops, lectures and technical visits were carried out. We can see the potential of actions to combat and raise awareness among the population about racism, with the learning generated being linked to black history and culture and the construction of political and ideological thinking in favor of anti-racist education, in which whites and blacks, they embrace the struggle as a strategy for the common good and social equality. The execution of this project generated hope in us, from the verb hope, as Paulo Freire says that an anti-racist society is possible and is the only inclusive path to follow.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Raquel Rodrigues Pessoa, IFCE Juazeiro do Norte

PhD in Education from the State University of Ceará. Master in Education from the Federal University of Ceará -UFC, Specialist in School Physical Education from Faculdades Integradas de Patos - PB, Degree in Physical Education from the Regional University of Cariri - URCA. Permanent professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Sciences and Technologies of Ceará. Leader of the Study, Research and Extension Group in Education, Corporeity and Society (GEPEECOS). Collaborating researcher in the Education, School Culture and Society Research Group (EDUCAS). Has experience in the area of Education and School Physical Education, working mainly on the following topics: Teacher Training, School Physical Education, Playfulness, Sport and Leisure, Ethnic-racial issues , Gender and Sexuality.

Luciano das Neves Carvalho, IFCE

He has a degree in - ORG SANT ED E CULTURE-UNIVERSITY OF SANTO AMARO - (1997) and a master's degree in Agricultural Education from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2019). He is currently a tenured professor at the Federal Institute of Ceará.

Jadyni Ester Matos e Silva, IFCE

Student of the Bachelor's degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Scholarship holder in the Black Identity in Action extension program at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. Juazeiro do Norte.

Beatriz Gonçalves de Lira, URCA

Physical Education Teacher in Basic Education. Master's student in Education - MPEDU - URCA. Postgraduate student in Physical Education, health and leisure - IFCE/Campus Juazeiro do Norte. Postgraduate in Higher Education Teaching and Physical Education - Faculdade Futura. Graduated from the Degree in Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Campus Juazeiro do Norte. Member of the Study, Research and Extension Group in Education, Corporeality and Society (GEPEECOS). Member of the Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (NEABI/Campus Juazeiro do Norte). She is interested in research in the area of School Physical Education; Health; Leisure; Cultures and ethnic-racial issues.



How to Cite

Rodrigues Pessoa, A. R., das Neves Carvalho, L., Matos e Silva, J. E., & Gonçalves de Lira, B. (2023). EDUCATING FOR ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONSHIPS FROM EXTENSIONIST ACTIONS TAILORED TO BLACK AESTHETICS. Revista Extensão & Cidadania, 11(20), 238-255.