Cultural actions and dialogical communication: university outreach in the field of arts at UFSB
University outreach, Performing arts, Dialogical communication, Cultural action, Paulo FreireAbstract
This text discusses two outreach initiatives in the field of Performing Arts conducted at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) in 2023 and 2024: the "Playwriting Observatory: The First Circuit of Dramatic Readings by CFAC/Porto Seguro" (2023/2024) and the "UFSB Dance Group: Dance, Poetics, and Ancestry" (2024). These projects propose practices and reflections on the interaction between academic and popular knowledge, aiming to promote social transformation through cultural practices. This undertaking is grounded in a theoretical approach to the concept of dialogical communication, as outlined by Freire (1983), and the concept of cultural action, as presented by Teixeira Coelho (2001), juxtaposed with referenced practical experiences. The goal is to reflect on how outreach in the performing arts can align with or diverge from dialogical communication practices that transcend institutional boundaries. The study explores how these projects foster dialogue between diverse knowledge systems and practices to promote cultural actions in the southern and extreme southern regions of Bahia. It seeks to contribute to discussions about the role of performing arts in university outreach, highlighting its challenges and potential.
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