Theater and transformation: processes of female emancipation in university extension activities with performing arts
University extension activity, Women, Emmaus Republic, Drama practice, Creative writingAbstract
This article is the result of a work plan entitled “O Teatro como ação política junto a Mulheres Periféricas da comunidade do Emaús” [Theatre as a political action with poor Women from the Emaús community], carried out with women from the República de Emaús Movement, located in the Benguí district, in the city of Belém do Pará, Brazil. This initiative is part of the Extension Project "Teatro, Memória, Música e Poesia na Melhor Idade" [Theatre, Memory, Music and Poetry in the Elderly], coordinated by Mrs. Dr. Ivone Maria Xavier de Amorim Almeida. The main objective was to encourage and develop the physical and mental abilities of poor women assisted at the República do Emaús community, using theater, music and writing. The theoretical-methodological approach adopted was based on the reflections of Viola Spolin and Augusto Boal. During the extension activities, the participants explored drama improvisation techniques, character building and storytelling, allowing their voices and experiences to be shared. They also learned vocal techniques and exercises in creative writing and poetic drawing. The result was a workshop at ETDUFPA, a theatre school on the Federal Para University, making the connection between the community and the university, bringing project participants into the university sphere. Drama proved to be a powerful tool for empowerment, enabling the members to see themselves as players in their own stories.
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