Pandemic letters: narratives of pedagogy students about their training in the brazilian semi-arid territory




(Auto)biographical narrative, Training, Pedagogy, Pandemic


This article aims to analyze the (auto)biographical narrative of Pedagogy students at a public university in the region of Vale do São Francisco, located in the territory of Petrolina-PE, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reflect on training based on self-writing, we base ourselves, theoretically and methodologically, on Heidegger, Josso, Freire, Passeggi, Ribeiro, Sousa and Lima. This article contemplates responses regarding how students felt in the teacher training process in the midst of the pandemic and what they expected from the future. The class of the Pedagogy course consisted of 19 students, of which 17 participated in the activity of writing the letter to themselves. As an analysis strategy, the “Heideggerian” hermeneutic circle method was used. Thus, the information was organized into three meaningful themes, namely: mental health in the pandemic; remote teaching versus face-to-face teaching; and career planning. It was noticed, through the letters, the concern about remote teaching, as well as the plans for the future, with the intention of contributing socially to a humane education and facilitator of learning. It was also noted that the students reflected on the well-being in the profession, seeking the meaning of their actions, in addition to demarcating financial, emotional, family and training support



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Author Biographies

Clara Maria Miranda de Sousa, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Psychologist formed by Univasf. Pedagogue and Master in Education from the University of Pernambuco. PhD student in Psychology at UFBA. Founder of Educuidar - Services in Psychology. Professor in the Pedagogy Course at the Department of Human Sciences III - UNEB.

Emanoela Souza Lima, Universidade Federal Vale do São Francisco

Psicóloga e Mestra pela Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf). Fundadora da Educuidar - Serviços em Psicologia. Atualmente Professora substituta no curso de Psicologia do Colegiado de Psicologia da Univasf.


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How to Cite

Miranda de Sousa, C. M., & Souza Lima, E. (2023). Pandemic letters: narratives of pedagogy students about their training in the brazilian semi-arid territory. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, (30), 248-260.