


Cartoon, violence, Super hero


Animated series or cartoons that feature superheroes as protagonists are quite popular and have in
common the presence of scenes of physical violence in moments of conflict resolution and as the culmination of
the struggle for moral defense for the welfare of humanity. The superheroes portrayed in these animations wear
uniforms, have superhuman powers or access to advanced technological resources to fight crime. They are
dedicated to the mission of protecting humanity from any threat, with justice as the highest value, even if it means
killing people and creatures, destroying buildings and committing acts of violence. We found that the association
between heroism and physical violence, and even between justice and violence, are aspects presented in these
cartoons. Thus, this work seeks to demonstrate, through a bibliographic review, how the acts of physical violence
are associated with acts considered heroic within the universe of the plot of the cartoon, presenting themselves as
morally justified or necessary and how this has an influence in the resolution of real conflicts by the child, in
addition to its influence on playing.


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Author Biographies

Raveni Joazeiro Silva, UESB

Bacharel e licenciada em Psicologia pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, pós-graduanda em Psicopatologia Psicanalítica pela Unigrad, polo Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.

Ana Lúcia Castilhano, UESB

Professora do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Doutora em Educação
pela UFSCar.


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How to Cite

Joazeiro Silva, R., & Castilhano, A. L. (2020). ANIMATED VIOLENCE: NOTES ON ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN VIOLENCE AND, HEROISM AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON CHILDREN. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, (24), 110-122.