identity, identification, cartoon, teacher educationAbstract
This article discusses the possibility of a fictional narrative providing the development of knowledge in human values. Therefore, the main objective pursued was to discuss the viability of the mediation of the animation text, through its hero (main character) in the construction of values in the classroom. We take the Steven Universe animation as a motto for discussion, which offers mediation of meanings concerning issues that cross-section learning, especially in the case of minority ideologies. For the discussions raised here, we present a study of the film document, through the clipping of an episode, privileging the approach on ethics, citizenship and justice, considering the government guidelines through the National Curriculum Parameters. To this end, texts on education supported by Freire (1980) and discussions on identity and identification were considered, mainly with Bettelheim and Lacan. Within the classroom, ethical discussion is possible within the reflection: “and if it
were me in the place of the hero, what would I do”? This is a dynamic that these authors indicate - including
Steven's own episode discussed here – in order that there can be an ethical and aesthetic reflection of the work
within the school, made possible by a cartoon, in a creative way.
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