The sense of freedom in the period circumscribing May 13, 1888: semantic analysis of texts published in O Asteroide, brazilian (Bahia) newspaper of the 19th Century
Freedom; Slavery; Abolition; May 13, 1888; Semantics of the Event.Abstract
Related to master's research developed in the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGLIN/UESB), the present work seeks to analyze the meaning of the event of May 13, 1888, in texts from Brazilian newspapers of the 19th century. We propose to answer the question: How is freedom semantically characterized in the event of May 13, 1888, specifically in Brazilian newspaper texts, in the period that circumscribes the abolition of slavery? In order to do so, mobilizing assumptions from the Semantics of the Event (GUIMARÃES, 2002, 2011), aided by elements of History/historiography, here, by a methodological approach, we analyze excerpts from two texts published in the Bahian newspaper O Asteroide, and which appear in the editions of the periodical that circulated in the historical context of the 13th of May, specifically in the days that immediately preceded the legal abolition of slavery by the Lei Áurea, and in the days immediately following it. Based on the data analysis, it is shown that, in such an event, the functioning of the sense of freedom is related to economic and political aspects of Brazil, prioritizing the country over the slave.
BRASIL. Hemeroteca digital da Blibioteca Nacional. Disponível em:
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