Teaching internship in emergency distance learning: compressed and fluent geography in times of pandemic
Curricular Internship in Geography, Emergency Remote Teaching, Digital Technologies of Information and CommunicationAbstract
This article brings as a discussion the challenges and learnings resulting from the experience of the Curricular Internship in Geography III (CIG) and Emergency Distance Learning (EDL) in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It took as a starting point the practices carried out by undergraduate students in geography at the Federal University of Ceará (FUC) with their respective supervisors of the internship, who work in the basic education of the Fortaleza/CE Municipality, the Metropolitan Region, and the private education, specifically the elementary education II (6th to 9th grade) with school geography. An analysis of the exchanges of knowledge and feelings resulting from this atypical experience was carried out during the teaching internship
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