Fios de Rebeca Extension Project: challenges for promoting an anti-racist education


  • Silvano da Conceição
  • Nágila de Andrade Santos



Discrimination, Identity, Workshops, Ethnic-racial prejudice, Racism


This text is the result of extensionist actions developed within the scope of the Fios de Rebeca Extension Project, which aimed to provide teachers and students of the public teaching network of Jequié/BA with a debate on education for ethnic-racial relations and collaborate for the implementation of law 10.639/2003. The methodological strategy adopted for the development of activities was the workshops, because, according to Candau and Zenaide (1999), they allow a movement that takes as a starting point the previous knowledge of the participants to build, deconstruct and reconstruct knowledge. The actions were developed between Oct/2018 and Dec/2019, based on partnerships with public schools in the municipality of Jequié and one in the district of Ilha Formosa, municipality of Cravolândia, reaching a total of 350 people, including students (from schools, undergraduate and graduate) and teachers (from schools and UESB). In this way, we conclude that the project's actions achieved the proposed objectives, since we had heated discussions on the central theme of the project, positifying black identity and promoting the reconnection with invisible ancestries, which certainly contributes to the construction of a culture of peace, in which ethnic-racial differences and diversity end up being read as potentializing elements of society.


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How to Cite

da Conceição, S., & de Andrade Santos, N. . (2023). Fios de Rebeca Extension Project: challenges for promoting an anti-racist education. Revista Extensão & Cidadania, 11(19), 202-214.



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