The contribution of technical events in the teaching-learning process in Civil Engineering courses
Extension activity, Higher education, Teaching-learning process, Academic and professional education, Extension curriculumAbstract
Higher education courses focus on preparing students for the job market. In this context, student participation in professional events can be a valuable tool to complement theoretical learning. Attending conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures allows students to interact with peers, researchers, and professionals, promoting personal development and expanding knowledge. Although not mandatory, these events help students keep abreast of new technologies and expand their network of professional contacts, making them more competitive when they enter the workforce. Therefore, this article aims to report on the contribution of technical events to the teaching-learning process in civil engineering courses. The support for this study was obtained from the implementation of six extension actions in the form of technical lectures. These extension actions were related to two extension projects called the I and II Cycle of Civil Engineering Lectures. The events were organized by professors, administrative technicians, and students from the São Carlos campus of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC). The events reached participants from inside and outside the educational institution. The evaluations of the events were positive and showed a positive impact on the academic training of the students. In short, the results showed that the external community was reached, there was student protagonism and an effective contribution to the teaching-learning process of students in the Civil Engineering course.
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