
  • Leonardo Correa Velásquez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Teresita Ospina Álvarez Universidad de Antioquia



Spatial gestures, Formation, Stratigraphy, Inhabit


This article expands from the doctoral research titled Inhabiting the formative: Spatial gestures in university cities in Colombia, attached to the Research Group on Interdisciplinary Studies on Education (ESINED) from San Buenaventura University-Medellín. This research are interested in meetings between space and formation in four university cities in Colombia, thinking about this relationship through how some of its spaces are occupy, relating with the particularities that configure them, being attentive to what is produced in these spaces; the gestures that emerge (while these spaces are occupy) in key to the formative that happens there. Starting from the stratigraphic method, some approximations were produced by the bodies and what is produced while occupy the spaces, in what is produced there and what the space tells the bodies to force them to produce gestures in a formative key.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, L. C. ., & Álvarez, T. O. (2020). SPATIAL GESTURES AND SUBJECTIVITIES FORMATION IN COLOMBIAN UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 1(1), 97-110.


