Brazil, Education, Ergoengaging, Experience, PandemicAbstract
We present as theme the speech of a philosophy teacher of school in pandemic times in Brazil. Delimiting research in not seeking to solve the problem of education, the objective in this work call into question the testimony of the experience in education in the pandemic. In the theoretical composition we will use John Dewey (1985) to substantiate the defense that nothing can pre-determine living activity. We seek in Abdallah Nouroudine (2002), Josiane Boutet and Bernard Gardin (1998), Yves Schwartz (2014, 2011, 2010) and Philippe Zarifian (2015) the identification of the testimony of language in and on work and the (re)normalizations interpreted in the body-self and the school, during the pandemic as a manifestation of ergoengaging. As a dialectical method, the research is applied, exploratory and descriptive, with bibliographic and documentary technical procedures and qualitative approach. The corpus corresponds to the testimony by which we will analyze and conclude beforehand that the educational experience and its living movement play a fundamental role in social transformations, as warned Maria Cecília Pérez de Souza e Silva (2002), and, that the renormatizations applied in the fight for not abandoning education in this historical moment understood as a cooperation in labor and scientific action.
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