Chuva, Vapor e Velocidade- O Grande Caminho de Ferro do Oeste; Inês Maciel; Literatura comparada; Recôndito. William Turner.Abstract
ABSTRACT: This article proposes to carry out a critical analysis of the fictional universe of the work Recôndito (2016), by the author of Maranhão, Inês Pereira Maciel, in confluence with the work of William Turner Rain, Vapor and Speed - The Great Western Railroad (1844 ). In this sense, this study seeks to understand how the image of the city is conceived, in the perception of the poetic self and the painter, as reconcilable practices of imagery constructions in art, whether poetic and/or visual. This study follows the paths of Comparative Literature, which will enable us to confront the elements disposed in the two artistic productions. Therefore, the following objectives were outlined: to understand how the phenomenology of the image is raised by the subject's experience with space, resulting in the elaboration and re-elaboration of multiple “I's”. Furthermore, we will analyze the homological relationships between Inesian poetry and the painting of JM William Turner, without subduing the image woven by words, nor the image that spills over onto the canvas. This work is bibliographical, having as main theorists Tânia Carvalhal (2006), Sandra Nitrini (2010), Alfredo Bosi (1977), Foucault (2009), Lilian Hack (2020), Claus Clüver (2006), Gonçalves (1997), Halbwachs (2003), Joel Candau (2012), Le Goff (1996), Stuart Hall (2015), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2000), Santos (2013), Yi – Fu Tuan (1983;2012), Gaston Bachelard (2003 ) and Merleau-Ponty (1999). Furthermore, we emphasize that images in poetic writing are the framework of the imagetic antecedence of thought, while painting is the poetry poured onto the canvas.
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