Experiences with teaching Mathematics in initial teacher training
Teaching Mathematics, Initial formation, Affect and CognitionAbstract
This paper presents an excerpt from the research carried out with the objective of analyzing the relationship between affective and cognitive aspects in the teaching of Mathematics based on the speeches of students from the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Roraima. The production of research data was carried out through a Focus Group, considering the reality experienced by these students when teaching Mathematics in the Supervised Internship. Data analysis considered the assumptions of Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA), which encouraged reflection on the units of meaning that emerged in the students' speeches. The study demonstrated that the relationship between affective and cognitive aspects in Mathematics teaching is consolidated through the mediation established between teacher trainers and teachers in training in a relational and dynamic cycle, favoring the construction of new meanings and meanings for Mathematics teaching, so to overcome the historically constructed myths surrounding this area of knowledge.
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