Inductance of solenoids and magnetic circuits: a comparative analysis between analytical and simulated results




inductance, solenoid, magnetic circuit, FEEM software


This work presents a theoretical approach regarding the calculation of the inductance of solenoids and magnetic circuits. In the case of solenoids, results from three analytical equations are evaluated. For the calculation of magnetic circuits, a methodology is presented that considers some simplifying assumptions. Finally, the analytical results are compared to those obtained through simulations using the FEEM software.

Keywords: Inductance; Solenoids; Magnetic Circuits; FEEM software.


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How to Cite

Bitencourt Padilha, J., da Silva, F. ., Vitor Sousa Soeiro, J. ., Kittel Ries, L., Pacheco Bortoluzzi, A., & Luiz Alves, R. (2024). Inductance of solenoids and magnetic circuits: a comparative analysis between analytical and simulated results. Intermaths, 5(2), 46-54.


