Potencialidades do software GeoGebra na resolução de Atividade de Situações Problemas em Matemática
Digital Technologies; PSAM; Polynomial EquationAbstract
This chapter presents the outline of a master's degree research, and aims to present contributions from the GeoGebra software in developing the ability to solve and elaborate problems on 2nd degree polynomial equations of the ax²=b type, through the analysis of a task involving situations problem for the 8th year of Elementary School. The investigation carried out was of a qualitative nature and considered all the actions and operations of the activities carried out in GeoGebra through the teaching methodology "Activity of Problem Situations in Mathematics". As a result, we identified that the analyzed task contributed to the construction and assimilation of mathematical models and concepts of algebra with the support of geometry concepts, more specifically, calculation of areas of plane figures and planning of spatial figures. Therefore, we believe that, by using GeoGebra in conjunction with a well-planned sequence of tasks, it can provide students with the development of skills related to both digital technologies and mathematics.
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