Characteristics of Computational Thinking attributed by students of Bachelor's and Bachelor's degrees in Mathematics
Educação Matemática, Pensamento computacional, Ensino superior, Licenciatura e Bacharelado em MatemáticaAbstract
When considering the possible relationships between Computational Thinking and Mathematics Education, especially those that may be developed by teachers in their professional activities, we ask ourselves: how is Computational Thinking understood by undergraduate mathematics students? Based on this question, we aim to discuss the results of an investigation into the characteristics related to Computational Thinking that are understood and developed by students on the Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree courses in Mathematics at a public university in São Paulo. We assume as theoretical ideas the four pillars of Computational Thinking, namely: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms – Brackmann (2017). The investigation, of a qualitative nature, was carried out through a questionnaire answered by nine students from the Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at a public university in São Paulo. Among one of the results, we can emphasize that students identified and described aspects of Computational Thinking related, implicitly, to the four pillars of Computational Thinking.
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