Multimodalidade, Leitura de imagens, Gramática do Design VisualAbstract
We are immersed in a technological society that dictates new forms of communication. These forms generate processes of renewal of language use that directly influence the subjects' reading practices. Faced with the spread of communication equipped by the internet and social networks, the school is the space in which the students' instruments will be built so that they can be prepared for the new form of reading required: multimodal reading. Thus, it is important that textbooks, especially in Portuguese, try to adapt to the new multimodal genres. Among the different digital genres, the meme stands out due to its great profusion on social networks and its predominantly multimodal composition. However, their presence in textbooks is still timid and the proposals for related activities sometimes fall short of their potential. Thus, the aim of this article is to analyze the use of memes in textbooks and their contribution to the teaching and learning of Portuguese. The methodological approach is based on the qualitative methodology of the descriptive type, with emphasis on documental research. Nine copies of textbooks from the 9th year of Elementary School were analyzed. In three copies, six memes were found and their analyzes focused on the proposals for activities and on the evidence of their multimodal characteristics as a support for these activities. The results of the study showed that in textbooks the multimodal characteristic of memes was evidenced in the activities, as they required visual reading in tune with the verbal, in thematic studies that used the meme as an example and through activities that demonstrated the intention to explore the specifics of the meme as a genre. It is possible to conclude that the use of meme allows changes in reading practices, since it is characterized by aspects of verbal-visual language, in addition to having elements that interact with social communication and digital culture.
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