



Reading diagnostics, Fluency in oral reading, Reading aloud, Reader profile


This study presents the results of the diagnostic assessment of reading of students in the 6th year of elementary school at the Colégio de Aplicação, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (CODAP-UFS). The research is based on the theoretical framework of the reading model established by Machado (2018), which conceives reading in the processing of automaticity in the decoding of the written word, reading comprehension and comprehension monitoring. The objective was to carry out a diagnostic assessment of reading through an oral reading fluency test, identify the reader profile and contribute to reading assessment studies. We followed the Curriculum-Based Measurement method (DENO, 2003), which proposes to analyze reading processes in one minute of reading aloud. Reading collection took place through the oral reading fluency test, which consists of recording the participant's reading aloud in a reserved environment and individually (MACHADO, 2018). Fifty-five students participated in the research and three reader profiles were identified. The pattern of reading behavior demonstrates that, despite being in the final years of elementary school, there are still readers who do not have automaticity in decoding. The results show that the oral reading fluency test makes it possible to assess automaticity in decoding and provides data that give clues about text reading comprehension.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, G. E., & Machado, A. P. G. (2022). ORAL READING FLUENCE LIKE ASSESSMENT OF READING DIAGNOSIS OF 6TH YEAR STUDENTS. Língu@ Nostr@, 10(2), 148-163. https://doi.org/10.29327/232521.9.1-25