Os gêneros do discurso e a leitura em meio digital: o texto e o leitor em movimento
Gêneros do discurso, Leitura, Leitor, Literacia digitalAbstract
In view of the advent of digital tools for reading and communication, we propose a brief discussion on how discourse genres have been modified by new ways of reading, which include digital supports, discursive presentation formats, modes of reader interaction with the text and organization of the utterance in space-time. For this, we start from notions about textual genres from the dialogical theory of the Bakhtin Circle. We followed the discussion by drawing up a dialogue with researchers in the fields of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, in order to verify which cognitive skills are involved in reading that can follow the trend in current changes in the way we read and process reading in print and in digital medium. Aspects such as brain plasticity and attentional refinement are presented as possible mechanisms that may be strongly influenced by digital reading modes. At the same time, there is an inevitable trend towards digitizing data, so that information follows the pace of today's society, in a fluid, accessible and fast way. In view of this perspective, we sought to balance positions, presenting positive and negative aspects of this change, so that the balance between the need to maintain the implementation of digital technology in encouraging reading, and the maintenance of the cognitive demand reaches a measure the as close as possible to a healthy habit. We believe that this is a relatively recent phenomenon that requires careful long-term scientific observation, as it is growing and definitive, following the evolution of human behavior and the advancement of digital technologies.
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