Morphosyntactic subordination in historical advertising discourses: new perspectives and reflections
Subordination; Morphosyntax; Linguistics; Verb.Abstract
The objective of the present research is to analyze the phenomenon of subordination in simple and compound sentences from the perspective of morphosyntactic studies, as seen through the lens of contemporary linguists and functionalist grammar, which address subordination in a broader and more reflective manner. Alongside this study, a comparison will be established with the analyses conducted by contemporary morphosyntactic pragmatists (ALLERTON (1982), CARONE (1991; 1995), DUARTE (2009a; 2009b), FERREIRA (2022), MACAMBIRA (1987), PERINI (1995), TESNIÈRE (1966), and VILELA; BUSSE (1986)), setting a counterpoint with normative grammar and its theorists. The predominantly used research method in this study was the descriptive method, and consequently, the bibliographic method, with a synchronic analysis of advertising pieces dating from the twentieth century. Based on these methodological guidelines, the present study works reflectively, investigating the issue of subordination in traditional grammar, which is viewed as a hierarchical relationship between clauses, potentially leading to a hierarchized view of language and marginalizing those without access to standard language. Thus, teaching based on overly rigid grammatical rules without considering the context may limit language comprehension and fail to appreciate creativity and individual expression. Through this perspective, it becomes evident that adopting a more inclusive, contextualized, and creative view of language is essential in teaching and learning.
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