Statistics, Teaching by project, Performance indicatorsAbstract
During the last five years, in the Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe-Argentina, a team of research professors has worked on the implementation of the strategy "Teaching by projects" in Statistics in the careers of Licenciatura en Nutrición (LN), Licenciatura en Biotecnología (LB) and Bioquímica (Bqca). This work shows the evolution of student performance from the year 2016 (conventional course with theory and practice classes) until the year 2021, where it was gradually put into practice (including the years of the pandemic, of virtual courses). , the mentioned didactic strategy. From the results obtained, it is shown that its application would have a favorable action in the teaching and learning process of the concepts studied, reflected in the percentages of students who regularized, more perceptible for LN, both if it is compared in relation to the regulars. of Bqca and LB, as when comparing the percentage of regulars before and after the implementation of the teaching strategy by projects.
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