Conceptions about science in Biology teachers. A study in the context of secondary school - Argentina




Conceptions, Teachers, Science, Biology, Teacher training


Science´conceptions that teachers have could be functioning as epistemological obstacles to the appropriation of the innovative aspects that the curricular guidelines promote. The objective of this work is to describe these conceptions in Biology teachers who access state teacher training courses in Argentina and how the results are related to variables such as age, basic training and teaching seniority. A questionnaire was used in 76 subjects. A group of teachers was found with positions linked to more relativistic visions in all the dimensions investigated, while in a second group, the majority, the positions became more realistic empiricist when the dimension referring to the scientific method is analyzed.

The discussion around the results allows us to suggest the importance of continuous teacher training proposals that encourage reflection on teachers' own beliefs and that promote, eventually, the re-description of said representations towards more current formats, in such a way that, more Beyond achieving a constructivist discourse, changes are evident in science classrooms.


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Author Biographies

Sofia Sol Martin, FCEYN- UNMDP

Mg. In Education in Cs. Experimental and Technology, National University of Córdoba. Teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina., Scientific Education Research Group GIECmar

Maria Basilisa García Bachi, FCEYN- UNMDP

Doctor in Scientific Education, Autonomous University of Madrid. Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. GIECmar Scientific Education Research Group


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How to Cite

Martin, S. S., & Bachi, M. B. G. (2024). Conceptions about science in Biology teachers. A study in the context of secondary school - Argentina. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 14(2), 167-185.