Between the climate, ecological, and social crisis of the planet: are there still paths for resistance and utopias?
Climate crisis, Work, Sustainability, Utopias, Communes, Self-managementAbstract
VIII Colóquio Internacional do Museu Pedagógico da UESB (XV National Colloquium and VIII International Colloquium of the Pedagogical Museum of UESB)", Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil. It provides a brief overview of humanity's multiple crises, focusing on the climate catastrophe and the structural inefficacy of countermeasures. Consequently, it proposes sustainable work as the core of initiatives for socio-ecological transition, while criticizing the concept of green jobs. The North-South relationship, class, and gender are introduced as necessary variables for a holistic vision of sustainability that ensures a just transition. In this context, it advocates for the revaluation and decommodification of labor. To outline the role of utopias in resistance movements, the meaning of utopias in the socialist and Marxist debate is first analyzed. Then, it continues with a historical analysis of the convergence of democratic-communitarian approaches in Latin America. Based on these analyses, two practices of concrete utopias are presented: workers’ self-management or workers' control, and local self-government based on non-representative democracy, understood as the concept of the commune.
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