1984: The dystopian future between us





Controle, Distopia, Manipulação, Totalitarismo


This article aims to present some reflexions from review of the book 1984, by George Orwell, in order to compare the romance to the current brazilian society, as well as to comprehend the several subjects in contemporaneity and their relations via media and social networks in that globalization context. Therefore, this study is anchored in philosophical, literary and social theories, from the perspective of theorists like Arendt (2012), Bauman (2001), Foucault (2009), Sousa Santos (2005), among others. The adopted methodology is guided in a qualitative approach, of bibliographic nature in a comparative, interpretative and reflexive process. It turns out that the book presents timeless traits to the socio-historical context in which it was produced and adjusts itself as an alert for the capitalist societies. The plot permeates by several aspects, which interconnects political, economical and tecnological facts, bringing in its approach, a possible future in which the majority of the individuals will have to give up their freedom, in detriment of a totalitarian regime. Finally, it is concluded that Orwell, in 1984, made a great contribution in predicting, through his romance, a society ruled by the power of a hegemonic minority that explores the most diverse social layers, in a hierarchical and politically situated way, not unlike the dark reality of this country called Brazil.     

Key words: Control. Dystopia. Manipulation. Totalitarianism.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, V. J., Meira, L. L., & Magalhães, S. R. G. P. (2020). 1984: The dystopian future between us. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 8(2), 11-23. https://doi.org/10.22481/rbba.v8i2.6263