Challenges of access to art in Brazilian education
education, art, cultural facilitiesAbstract
Education plays a fundamental role in personal and social development, influencing cognition as well as social and cultural dimensions. Accordingly, this study examines the lack of access to cultural facilities and its repercussions on young people's education, using a qualitative approach through a literature review and documentary analysis. The results show that restricted access to museums, theaters, cultural centers and libraries is a significant impediment to the development of cultural capital, as evidenced by Bourdieu (1984), Freire (2005) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Inequalities in access disproportionately affect low-income populations and rural areas, reducing academic performance and personal development. The documentary analysis identified geographical, financial and structural barriers, highlighting the urgency of public policies to promote inclusion. The conclusion is that increasing access to cultural facilities is crucial to guaranteeing an equitable education and the integral development of young people.
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