Educational platforms - Digital policy - Argentina - Digital culture - Pedagogy.Abstract
This article presents an exploratory study of the digital educational platforms with which the national and provincial states were present in the virtual territory to offer alternatives to the continuity of educational processes in the face of the COVID-19 health emergency in Argentina. In this context, the platforms have a challenge that is technical in nature, but their resolution must be carried out in accordance with other challenges, such as socio-educational and pedagogical ones. When systematizing their characteristics in terms of architecture, components, functionalities and the type of dynamics and interactions they make available, we find that a virtuous technical endowment is not always accompanied by powerful pedagogical resources. The focus of the analysis has to do then with pondering how the proposals condensed in these digital tools fit into the digital culture and if they manage to align themselves with the epistemic shift introduced by ICT. From such analysis the work contributes in specifying the way in which educational inequality is expressed in the plane of its digital infrastructure, product of the irregular arrival to the pedagogical discussion to which they push the arrival of ICT that exists in their provincial educational subsystems.
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