Retired, Venezuelan, Voices, Public politics, Re-ligationAbstract
From the critical analysis of discourse as a transmethod, traditional discourse is situated in perspectives: social, educational, political and critical; channeling the resistance, the critical and political of it. As a complex objective, the crisis of the Venezuelan professional is supported by being retired, in the third age from their own voices; and with it, ruptured outlets in deeply inclusive rhizomes in re-binding. Complexity and planetary decoloniality support the inquiry transmethodically. 9 Venezuelan professionals are interviewed with 5 open questions. In the conclusions in advance, the crisis is revealed in Venezuelan moments of protests for the vexation of our human dignity. Ageism can be the colonial excuse to harass the retiree; we must be consistent that ecosophy is scarce; the art of living in Venezuela is an urgency, it is water for the thirsty, coupled with the pandemic, the human condition is inhumanized.
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